
Mac Kid Boredom Buster: Backyard Entomology

By Jamie Twarogowski, Macaroni Kid Lakewood/Littleton Publisher June 25, 2015
Do you need some last minute ideas to keep your kiddo occupied, ward off the dreaded summer "Mom, I'm bored?"

My daughter isn't at the stage in her life to tell me she's words anyway. But she certainly tells me in other ways! That's when the whining begins, the temper tantrums start to erupt. I'm sure you can all relate. Therefore, I try to keep a few tricks up my sleeve that will keep her occupied and interested. I pull them out as soon as I see signs of boredom.

Here's one I used this week.

Backyard Entomologist.

M loves her little sand box and I've been known to hide little gems in there from time to time. Today I pulled out her bug kit which includes various plastic bugs, beetles, spiders, moths and butterfly's. (Check the dollar store!) I strategically buried them in the sand, then set up a station for her to dig, clean and inspect the bugs.

She spent at least 2 hours searching for, cleaning and inspecting her bugs.

Hours of fun for her and almost two hours of time for me!


Just for fun, here are the Top Ten Reasons to Study Bugs, according to Cornell University.

What are some of your boredom buster ideas?