
Macaroni YUM! Peppermint Popcorn Crunch

A Snack Perfect To Gift or Keep For Family Game Night

By Jamie Twarogowski, Macaroni Kid Lakewood/Littleton Publisher December 18, 2014
I found this recipe on Pinterest and had to make a few adaptations because of the ingredients I had on hand, but it was is so simple and SO YUMMY!  We made it for Maia's teacher this Christmas, and had to make more to keep for ourselves!

10 c. popped popcorn
1 Package Vanilla CandiQuik
1 Package Chocolate CandiQuik
Peppermint Oil (Must be oil based!)
Candy Canes (Crushed to small chuncks)

Melt Vanilla CandiQuik per package instructions.  Add pepermint oil to Vanilla CandiQuick, just a few drops at a time, too much and it turns out tasting like toothpaste (yuck!)  Add to popcorn and mix until thoroughly coated with candy. 

Spread mixture on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.  Immediately, before candy coating cools and hardens, sprinkle crushed candy canes over popcorn mixture. 

While this is cooling, melt Chocolate CandyQuik per package instructions.  Use a spoon to drizzle over popcorn , candy mixture. 

Once all is cool and hardened, you may break apart.  Put into celophane bags, attach a bow, and you have a lovely gift!  Or just keep for a yummy family snack.
