
Make a Kazoo for National Kazoo Day

National Kazoo Day, January 28, 2015

By Jamie Twarogowski, Macaroni Kid Lakewood/Littleton Publisher January 22, 2015
Traditionally celebrated the 4th Thursday in January...or whenever it's convenient for the kazooist, but this year January 28th has been chosen as National Kazoo Day.  (Feel free to celebrate any day you wish!)

We choose to celebrate by making our very own kazoos!  Want to try?

Here is what you will need.

Cardboard tubes (paper towels, t.p., we choose to use our leftover gift wrap cut into smaller tubes)
Craft Tape such as Duck Tape
Parchment paper or waxed paper
small rubber bands

Step 1: 
Cover your cardboard tube with your favorite craft tape.  (This step is not necessary to make the kazoo work, just to personalize them).


Step 2:
Cut a large square of parchment paper, enough to cover the end completely cover one end of the tube.

Step 3: 
Wrap the end in the parchment paper and secure with a rubber band, tight enough to stay on when blowing into the tube, but not too tight to create tension in the paper.

Step 4:

Note:  To make a kazoo work the parchment paper needs to vibrate.  To make this happen, you will need to hum just right.  It might take practice, but it can be done!

Have fun and Happy Kazoo Day!