
Safety Tips to Keep Your Camping Trip Full of Fun

By Natalia Berry, Updated by Christen Reiner, Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni KID Denver Editor and Publisher July 5, 2024

Camping is a summer rite of passage, but it's much more fun if your family stays safe while doing it. With this in mind, here is a short list of safety tips to help you enjoy this fun nature outing.


It may not be as hot up in the mountains as we have been experiencing down here in the city, but that doesn't mean that sun is not burning the tender skin of our babes (or yours, for that matter!). Having a major sunburn by the age of nine can increase the chance of skin cancer later in life by nearly 45%.


When you have children that like to wander off (or even if you don't), it's good to have BOUNDARIES set up in advance. What parents can do is mark their children's boundaries clearly by tying pieces of ribbon or even crepe paper (the bright colors work best) around trees, rocks or other things found around your campsite and explain in a "family meeting" that children are not to go past the markers. 


Do your children know what to do if they get separated from your group? It's a good idea to go over a few simple rules to help them "get found" if they get lost. For older kids, giving them a few safety items like a whistle, a protein bar, a water bottle on a strap, and an emergency blanket is even better.


I can honestly say that I have not been on one camping trip where someone didn't get hurt in one way or another... a lot of the time it was me. Really though, it's nice to have some stuff on hand. Everyone's first aid kit will vary, but all of them should contain at least alcohol wipes, various sizes of band-aids, antibiotic ointment, instant cold packs, For those with severe allergies, Epi-pens are literally life savers.


Even if you are not camping near water, water shoes can come in handy.  A lot of children like to walk barefoot from place to place while outdoors. Remember that, although you might be generous and responsible enough to pick up garbage from your excursion, the people before you might not have been. In the past, we've come across fish hooks, broken glass, jagged cans and more. Walking in the water with protection on is recommended too because these hazards, along with others, can hide under sand, under leaves, between rocks and in other inconspicuous places. Water shoes may not completely protect you or your child but can reduce the risk of serious injury. 

Have a great camping adventure with your family!