
A Note From Your Publisher: The Annual One About My Gross Thanksgiving

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni KID Denver Editor and Publisher November 18, 2023

Hey Mac Families,

Wanna know how I spend the Wednesday before Thanksgiving?

It's how I spend every Wednesday before Thanksgiving, now that we don't eat the traditional turkey meal on the big day. My family sends me their take out orders, and I run around and pick up their faves for our Thanksgiving dinner, which we will reheat on Thursday. 

You might be thinking that I'm complaining. But it is actually quite the opposite. My running around on Wednesday means that my Thursday is relaxing and glorious. I maaaaaaybe make a pot of mashed potatoes or a dessert, but for the most part, I do not cook on Thanksgiving. We typically watch the Macy's Parade, and do fun things that we all enjoy, like decorating gingerbread houses or settling in for a movie night.

But, have I ever told you why my family doesn't eat Thanksgiving food?

Picture this.

16 people gathered for a delicious family Thanksgiving Feast. 

There's so much laughter and joyful chatter that most of us don't even notice when Grandpa, who was just elbow-deep in the turkey, leaves the table and doesn't return. He must be tired.

The next day, my family of five enjoys a tacquito dinner. Soon after, we start dropping like flies, each one louder than the next as we fight for valuable toilet bowl property during what we call "That One Thanksgiving" -- the absolute worst stomach bug we have ever had. When my (at the time) 4 year old called for mom or dad, we yelled "Aim for the bucket!" because we couldn't even stand up to help him. Not my most shining Mommy Moment.

Soon the texts started coming in... as the days went on, each of our 16 family members got it.

And thus began FOUR YEARS RUNNING of Thanksgiving stomach bugs. 




It is CRAZY, but so very sadly, true. We got the stomach bug during every Thanksgiving break for four years.... UNTIL we stopped eating the dang turkey dinner. But, just in case... help a mother out. Cross your fingers, send us some good juju, and throw us a few positive thoughts for a bug-free holiday. 

Thanks, I owe ya one. 

THANK YOU for being a part of our Mac KID family. We are so thankful for you!

Peace ☮️, Love ❤️, & Macaroni 🌼,


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