
My Story | Getting Healthy During a Pandemic

Part 2: Discovering New Things

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni Kid Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni Kid Denver Editor and Publisher February 19, 2021

Last week, you met my Health Coach Krista, and I told you that I was going to join her on her journey to get healthy during a pandemic. I told you that I would share my own story with you.

Well, here I am! 

I have always had a sweet tooth. I blame it on the lovely elderly couple who lived across the hall in our apartment building when I was a toddler. They adored me and lived for making me treats. I still remember toddling across the hall and through their open door, where I knew I'd be greeted by something yummy. My grandma also loved her desserts, and I remember enjoying MANY special treats with her. If it wasn't in my genes (it was), then I was certainly trained to love them!

During the first half of the pandemic, I prided myself on eating pretty healthy and maintaining my weight. But, the longer the quarantine went on, I found that really the only way to entertain ourselves in a non-virtual way was to order food. And to try new desserts, usually while binge watching Criminals Minds with my daughter at night!

Not really the best for maintaining weight or eating healthy. But I guarantee that I was not the only one doing this!

I felt like I neeeeeeeded sugar. A LOT. Too much. I saw Krista's candy picture at just the right time in my life! I wanted to be like her.

I started eating differently on Monday. Using the OPTAVIA program, I'm eating 6 small meals each day, instead of three larger ones. Five of those meals are provided by the program, and then I make my own dinner. I love this part, and I'll tell you why. I find it super difficult to eat something different than what I make for my family. We eat dinner together, so watching them enjoy the delicious meal that I have just prepared, while I eat something "healthier", was hard. 

Tonight, I had spaghetti squash topped with a turkey burger patty, along with some tomato sauce and lowfat parmesan cheese. You guys. It was so stinking good. I had never eaten spaghetti squash before, and I now understand why it's all the rage! The hardest part about preparing it was cutting it in half!

I'll be honest. This was a hard week. I was hungry a lot of the time. It got easier as the week went on, but one of the things that helped me the most was looking forward to that dinner each night. I started to get creative with my options, sticking with the lean and green foods on the plan, but incorporating them into healthier meals that my whole family would like. My goal was to make a meal that they wouldn't realize was healthy! I secretly laughed every time they told me how much they liked the new dinner menu.

I can't wait to see what happens next week!

Find out more by contacting Coach Krista!
Krista is offering $25 OFF of the program for all of our Macaroni Kid subscribers -- $50 OFF for the first five to reach out!

(Offer only valid with Coach Krista Chappell)

Coach Krista Chappell