Hey Mac Families,
Are you one of those families whose house is always clean, always ready for company at a moment's notice? Or are you one of those families that has a "clean up drill" ready to roll, a drill where your kids know what to do to make the house somewhat presentable without being told?
While I would LIKE to be the first one, we are clearly the second (as evidenced by the current state of my living room -- I call it 'Post Christmas Explosion').
We are a busy family. We are also a family that enjoys spending time together. We have movie nights, we binge watch shows together, we go to events, we write a list of things to do together during spring break.
We often let the daily chores slide in favor of enjoying moments together.
Don't get me wrong. Our house is not DIRTY (well, most of the time). But it can definitely get MESSY. Despite our best efforts to do the "wrap up the day clean up" (picture us singing the clean up song sweetly while we slowly and methodically put things back into their places... you know the one), we end blasting music that whips us up into a frenzy of a fast paced, under the gun "restore to order, kinda" mode.
You know what else happens during that frenzy? Laughter.
We are cracking up at our ridiculousness. We are all on one team with one goal. And we almost always end up with a clean house just in the nick of time... ya know, as the company is rolling up to the front door. We are probably a little extra sweaty, perhaps a bit frazzled, but we don't even care, and our company usually has no idea what was happening in our house just a few minutes before they arrived.
Someday I will miss the messy house and the last minute nuttiness. I guarantee that my kids will remember the fun we had during our cleaning frenzies. I am sure they'll recall Mom losing her _ _ _ _ now and then, too, but mainly the fun (I hope!).
And I get to enjoy a clean house for about 30 minutes after the company leaves. I'm calling that a win.
Peace ☮️, Love ❤️, & Macaroni 🌼,