
These Free Printable Cards Make Setting Up Playdates a Breeze

Send a few of these to school with your kids to give to their friends!

By Janel Plunkard, publisher of Macaroni KID Springfield, Mo. August 10, 2024

Spending a day at the park or zoo? Are your kids having fun with new friends they've just met?

Share your contact information with their parent or caregiver easily with these cute printable playdate cards. 

Just keep a few of these in your diaper bag, purse, or phone case to share anytime you think you'd like to set up future playdates!

Have older kids? Before school starts, prep a few of these printable playdate cards to send with them to school to give to their friends, or keep them with you to pass out at Back to School events!

Simply print the cards, fill in your info, and get your child to hand them out to their friends. We have a black and white version or a color version for you to choose from.

It’s the perfect way to help set up a playdate for your kids – and meet other parents too!

Simply click here to download your FREE printables!

Janel Plunkard is the publisher of Macaroni KID Springfield, Mo.