Hey Mac Families!
Did you know that Colorado is celebrating a birthday next week? Our great state is turning a whopping 147 years old on August 1st! You'll find lots of fun (and free!) activities listed in our articles and on our calendar to help you celebrate. If everyone in Colorado joins the celebration, there will be 5.8 million people at the party! That is quite the bash!
2023 is a pretty big birthday year for my family. My daughter turned 18, my youngest son will be 13, and my hubs is turning the big 5-0 next month. WHAT??? We are high school sweethearts, so it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that the half century mark is upon us.
AHEM... upon HIM. Not me. HIM.
The hubs doesn't love a big party, so I had to get creative when planning his celebration. Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I'm always curious to know what others do to celebrate big milestones. What do you do?
Whether you celebrate at home with a few fun facts, or join your fellow ColoRADans out on the town, be sure to wish the old girl a Happy Birthday on August 1st.
Peace ☮️, Love ❤️, & Macaroni 🌼,
Originally published in July, 2023... which means that I am now turning the BIG 5-0. OH SNAP.