The Holidays are upon us and that means lots of delicious holiday treats to enjoy. How do you partake in the festivities but keep your health goals on track? Here are five easy ways to celebrate without overdoing it.
Skipping meals to give yourself permission to indulge later during festivities actually has the opposite effect of what you are going for. Your body thinks that it is starving, so it stores everything you eat after that skipped meal as fat. Ummm, no thanks!
Enjoy those holiday treats that you look forward to all year. Just take a bit less to start. If it's on your plate, odds are that you will eat every last crumb. If you take a little less, you might just find that you don't need that second helping.
No need to rush when it comes to holiday fare. Take small bites, visit with friends and family, chew slowly, and even put down your fork between bites. You'll savor the food more, and it will help you feel full by the time you reach the last bite.
Not only will water help you stay hydrated, it can offset the sugary drinks and/or alcohol that are offered during the holidays. AND it can help you avoid overeating. Try alternating water with your drink of choice.
Taking a walk around the block after your holiday meal will help wake you up and will also aid digestion. The tryptophan effect is real, y'all.
We hope that your Holiday feasts are full of of delights that fill your heart and your tummy!